Thursday, January 29, 2015

Addicted to Selfies

I recently activated my Instagram account and my world has skyrocketed in new dimensions. I am connected with my world in a new way but I also acquired new epiphanies about the people who inhabit. More than my presence on Facebook or Twitter, I have discovered just how obsessed so many people are with themselves as evident in the ubiquitous selfie!

I see selfies of buff dudes flexing in all sorts of poses and places, selfies of the fashion conscious young adult women who flaunt their bling and pose with their nails, footwear, and bilas.  For many of these account, the majority of pictures that are posted are truly of themselves and so it makes me wonder if they really think they are as great as they appear or if they pose in such a way that they at least appear to be this taken with themselves.

Sadly, I see myself drifting into this same mentality as I am around folks who are obsessed with their image - whether it is at the gym, at my university, or online. It is so tempting to figure out ways to position myself so that I look good (and maybe that others look poorly, too).

As I reflect on this, I can't help but wonder if this is really what our society has evolved to - a self-obsessed culture who spends its time trying to look good and make a good impression on the world around us. Are we hiding behind our flaws and our fears? Do we have altruistic and generous possibilities or is any selfless hint overshadowed in blustery self aggrandizement?

These are my musings as I enter a new world of self-reflective posting, "liking", and repostings! We'll see how my questions get answers!

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